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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Curi tulang

last week, my schedule were tight..then balek rumah, baru balek sehari, monday dpt call suruh selaasa dtg KL balek, ade project...so now tgh curi tulang, supervisor takde..bedah, hang call la aku cepat, aku baper kali lalu depan serdang..semlm aku dinner kat bangi, makan tomyam pondan siam buat..igt nak ajak kau, motif kau kekwat takmo beli handphone murah murah?...ok lah...supervisor dah datang...

*matila entry tak perlu

2:07 PM

Monday, March 26, 2007

this entry was actually posted on 31/3 not as stated in the above headline

pstt, mai rapat rapat, akak tgh curi tulang blogging ni sbb takde mood nak kerja..motif public holiday hangpa semua bersuka ria, akak kene kerja?

two words:


Sape tak tgk, die........PONDAN!

on another different note, my akak sedara bernikah last saturday

ok, anda semua pasti tahu kan, bahawa antara genetic keturunan saya ialah, sharp features, hidung mancung, mata berwarna warni, rambut kerinting maha hebat *tp malangnya , saya hanya inherit super mega crazycurl sahaja...bagi semua kazen mazen perempuan,(dan seorang uncle) adalah tidak asing lagi teknik rebonding bagi kami, saya fikir, salon salon pasti terhutang budi pada keturunan Tok Usop kerana mampu berhabisan ratusan ringgit demi menghilangkan antara salah satu embodiment keturunan kami...tp, tidak bagi kazen saya yang seorang ini. Ajip namanya...die telah berjaya membuktikan kepada kami, bahawa rambut mega crazy curl, bukan lah satu curse, malah asset penting yang should be flaunt..lihat lah hasilnya,

melethop kan?kalau org dah rupe cantik, buat gaya mengarut pun still melerts...akak nih?
*pose pose redha

mari hupdate schedule lagi:
31/3 9am EDS,Cyberjaya..Final Stage Interview with the Asia Pacific Senior Manager
-cabut pi opis di kala public holiday..sentap!
6.30pm, dr opis di pantai dalam, trus pi Spanish Villa Homes,Seremban, wedding reception
1/4 Family brunch, Seoul Korean Restaurant(since this time je everyone's home)
2/4 MLK/Cyber/PRK
3/4 3pm Presentation
4/4 Pre-EDX
5/4 4pm CIMB Final Stage Assesment-Presentation with Senior Managers
6/4 2pm MISC Assesment Holiday Villa Subang

"Ya Allah, aku mohon next week will be the last week yang i amat BZ...dah tak larat, almost sebulan dah i tak tgk burung burung indah di belakang my countryhome di Melaka tu...:(..AMIN"

11:26 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

mari hupdate schedule

21/3: PRK-KUL
22/3 : 9am - Schlumberger (UM)
23/3: anytime -PWTC
9am - Thomas International - CIMB Assesment(2nd stage) - Damansara
2pm - EDS Malaysia , Cyberjaya
3.30pm - Mr. Noor Haizad, Shell - Cyberjaya
4.30 - Uitm, Shah Alam
8pm - Nidji's Concert - LIVE @ Ruums, KL (K.I.V)
24/3: rendez-vous avec dr.azreen
26/3 : dental appointment

ok, skang, who can give the idea on what is the most convenient way to run around d'sara-pwtc-cyber? herm, kene tukar mode woman on the run starting 23/3 000hr...

9:44 AM

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'll be away until further notice

tu diahhhh~~tajuk!..taklah, sebenarnye, sejak kak imah tutup blog die, i trus dah takde keinginan untuk blog..rase lifeless ..rase tiade serinye lagi alam maya ini...selama ini, kak imah la my reason to wake up every morning..kak imah la, pemangkin i untuk berkongsi diari datin i dgn uols semua...mrasa!!! AMFUSAKUM NOOOOO??

hahahahaha tak lah....i akan jadi sangat busy ok selepas ini

15 Mac : 10am Megan Avenue, KLCC
2.15 pm Menara CIMB - Assesments ;CCB Programme
16-18 Mac : ade laa 'hal' kat KL *kaching!!
19-22 Mac : 'Beramas Mesra' dgn Supervisor tercinta(matilaaku)
23 Mac: PWTC
26-30 Mac : Seminar
2-5 April : Final Draft
6 April : Maersk Group - Assesment(bersama bedah ok!) ; Holiday Inn subang *Bedahhh, mari memasang impian ke denmark!!)

so kalau i takde life, i blog lah, kalau i ade life, i tak blog lah..haw haw haw..alah mcm korang heran je kann??? kan kak b kan? hang bace blog ni pun sbb kene paksa kan???


*alamak entry tuk pisah!!!pisah nantila, i tgh study international investments ni..nanti lah naaaa

12:55 AM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


hehehe..i saket uols!!!! kagum tak? kagum kan???.. last weekends, i kena food poisoning and down with a fever ok!!!...after 6-7 years of being fit and healthy...dulu kalau masuk sepital pun, leh tergelak2 lagi, tp kalau sampai i dah bad mood, maksudnye saya sakit!! sile berikan perhatian!!..mak i punye lah tak caya i saket, i menanges kat dia malam tu sbb tak tahan dah menonggeng2, die leh jawab ape tau " ahh, saket siket je nak mengade-ngade"...sedeh kan? tsk tsk,, mase tu i rase nak mati dah, sedih ni, org dah nak mati pun takde org kesah, tgh conference dgn si bedah and kak b, depa pun leh gelak2 kan i...tsk tsk... i dah nanges dah ni, sedih takde org hiraukan..rase cam nak start je keter drive pegi emergency room..sob sob...mrasa sok pagi nye, bile dah melepek tak leh bangun, terbaring kat atas katel, baru laaa mak i pose pose concern, anak die saket...haih~~~~

so the next day tu, since i ni susah sgt nak saket kan, so dah kecoh la satu family, i saket akhirnya..so kakak i di kl tu pun balek lah, punye lah concern, gaya org saket tenat kan??...i dengar ayah i cakap ape tau bile kakak i sampai rumah " tumbang jugak kakkk akhirnyaa adek awakk, abes sumer makan syok die 2 bulan"(since sejak menganggur i melantak je keje kan).... si akak i yang konon penyanyang ni pun pulang konon concern pasal i, rushing la balek..dtg bilik i nak visit, tau ape die punye first question,

"tak kurus pun?"
beria balek sbb igt i muntah abes sumer makan 2 bulan so dah kurus ke??

hermm, arini dah sehat sket, although otak rase melayang bile bangun dr sujud, i pun masaklah makanan feveret i... KETAM MASAK LEMAK CILI API YO!!! hix, konon nekad trauma dgn makanan sbb kene food poisoning maha dasyat kan? anyway, nak tau tak ape kenangan indah i sebelum i dah buat constituition tak mahu makan luar lagi??? org yang berada di perantauan tu, bersedialah noooo nak tadah ayaq liuq hang!....

ha! mrasa! rumah kau ado letak kuah kari, dal bagai dlm baldi??ado??

uhhhh sadapppp i tell uu!!!! sadappp!!!! ahhhhh~~~~

kuah kari tu, i sorang je punye okk!!!

minum dalam cawan aluminium uol!!!

ahhhh this is what i call a heavenly saturday!

baldi, daun pisang dan gayung ditaja oleh Restoran Saravanan Sdn. Bhd....hihih

4:33 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i'm sorry

i'm so sorry

i wish i didn't say it

i wish it didn't happen

i miss those time

i miss the laughter

i miss cramping my jaw

i miss you

1:18 AM

Thursday, March 8, 2007

i had a rendez-vous avec Dr.A aujourd hui...finally, she's ACTUALLY FREE!!!... She came over to my house with her sporty 2 doors silver hyundai getz....very rare eh? i think i nampak dia sorang je pakai so far....and while lepaking in my bachelorrete's pad, she suddenly malas to go to the so-called hap spot in Melaka..

A: eh, malas lah to go all the way there..i'm disoriented lah after allll the
exams..so what's d plan?
Me: eh don't ask me..u know this place better...
A: whispered in excitement..check-out MMU or MFA boys!
Me: let's!!

Too bad, tonight no rezekilah...don't know where everyone hilang..then only i terigt, sini branch ade juniors je lah...haiyok!!...oh well...we had a nice lil dinner with orange juice satu baldi..pergh..we didn't know the regular glass for fruit juice there, is a tall-big mug, like from ur wrist to ur elbow..itu satu hasta eh?..kalau tau, order satu je, then share...N, kalau u ade pasti lebih happening...we miss ur snorty laugh...ahahhaah!

Si A ni always la takde time..doctor kan? susah betul nak date dgn dia...dah la i mmg selalu look forward to lepak wit her, besides N...i kesian la tgk doctors ni..they slave themselves dr zaman student sampai la dah jadi actual doctor...the conversation that we had tadi mase dinner pun, payah betul!..dia tak tgk AF, die tak tau sazzy falak? yada yada yada...then bile i ckp i think i have GERD(a symptom) aaa then only die galak borak...sib baik die ni my childhood friend, so i tak rase boring..kalau tak..babai la kau, aku nak balik..motif taktau gossip??

Beside N, A is also my childhood friend....in fact the 3 of us, became friends at around the same time...a decade ago, at least....we were from different schools(but we share the same hatred of our alma mater..haha) different hometown, different attitude (totally different ok 3-3 ekor!!) different taste of musics, sumer different lah!!....but we somehow became good friends and still are, although we went separate way for our tertiary education in pursuing our dreams, geographically separated, lost contact a while...fate brought us together katanya!...

U know, ade difference tau, ur childhood friends and friends u made along the way..childhood frens, i call them my warmth friends, are like, u can not contact each other for so many years, but suddenly u meet, u so clicked, as if u've been meeting each other everyday..childhood friends are also the one that, at the end of the day, when u really want to get away from the world and just disappear,but u would still want only them, and no one else, to be at your side, no matter la dah 5-6 tahun tak jumpe..or, all this while, ur housemates/friends tahu every bit of ur love-life and ur childhood friends ni tak tau ape citer pun kesah percintaan u,bile mase couple ntah.. then suddenly, u broke off with ur bf, u tak cerita pun kat ur housemates but u reach out for ur warmth friends ni, tiba tiba, out of the blue...and then, ur warmth friends ni, she/he doesn't have to do anything, like pujuk u ke, or peluk u ke ape or call u ke, the thought that she/he knows how u are feeling right now, would make u feel better...or if they are at your side, although how broken you are, they don't have to ask why or what happened... just a simple gesture "eh!jom kite beli ice-cream nak?", u dah rase, u've let out everything to her/him, and as if u've cried buckets to his/her shoulder....i'm not sure bout u guys, but for me, when i'm alone and reminiscing about my life, the memories of my childhood, wearing pinafore with pigtails, playing 'chop-tiang', are far more vivid than other memories of my life...and those memories, never fail to put a smile on my face even in the darkest time of my life...

I used to have lots of them..but as u grew older, most of them have different path to take and commitments (fiezy, kau sibukkk la dgn gf kau kan??). some got married, some became somebody else, but if u congregate them, u can feel the warmth within each other....ur childhood friends are those who know your trueself!!! coz, when you were just kids, u were so sincere and honest and that's what you really are!..but, as u grew older, there are just too many roads that u have to take, decisions u have to make..pain, laughter,achievements and dissapoinments....all that, created a shield around you,with hope, you will walk through fire and dont get burn.. and as you grow up, the shield becomes even thicker, not to reveal who you really are...

i miss being a kid, everything were so simple back then..everything were in techni-colour..everything were just fine..

i hope our friendship will never end!! and if i ni tak jumpa2 juga my monsier de parfait, i know i am always so precious to you kan?? later kite kawen together ok?!!..muahhhhhssss

--------post-entry 10/3 1203am-----------
hey!!! wah wah wah, mentang2 due-due balik kl..motif uols therapeutic shopping arini???mentang mentang i 'puasa'!! u all awas ok!! nantikan i buat comeback!!!*jelingan maut
